Cross Cultural Solidarity

History; in the Service of Solidarity

The John Birch Society

Image: cover of D. J. Mulloy’s The World of the John Birch Society.


Claire Conner: Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America’s Radical Right.

Edward H. Miller: A Conspiratorial Life: Robert Welch, the John Birch Society, and the Revolution of American Conservatism.

D. J. Mulloy: The World of the John Birch Society: Conspiracy, Conservatism, and the Cold War.

Rick Perlstein: Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus.


Claire Conner: collection of articles at her website.

Bob Dylan (song): John Birch Paranoid Blues, Live, 1963.

Lisa Graves: Like His Dad, Charles Koch Was a Bircher.

Thomas Mallon: A View from the Fringe: The John Birch Society and the rise of the radical right.

Rick Perlstein: Growing Up in the John Birch Society: A new memoir exposes the trauma of growing up in an extreme-right-wing family—and the way those traumas were visited, politically, on the rest of us.

John Savage: The John Birch Society Is Back: Bircher ideas, once on the fringe, are increasingly commonplace in today’s GOP and espoused by friends in high places. And the group is ready to make the most of it.

Spartacus International: The John Birch Society.

The SPLC: The John Birch Society, the conspiracist group exiled by the right a half century ago, is on the march and gaining influence.

Erick Trickey: Long before QAnon, Ronald Reagan and the GOP purged John Birch extremists from the party.

Wikipedia: The John Birch Society.