Cross Cultural Solidarity

History; in the Service of Solidarity

About CCS aims to become a one-stop site for people to plug into the wide universe of racial justice history. As of August 2022, there are resources on over 150 racial justice history topics… and a fundraising campaign has been launched to build hundreds more over the next few years.

Cross Cultural Solidarity is especially committed to strengthening bonds of multiracial solidarity. Achieving racial equity and building a strong, robust democracy requires us all to unite, as Black, Brown, and White. Our ability to work together and stand up for each other is strengthened when we have access to inspiring examples of solidarity: thus, the first two categories on the main landing page are Black/Brown Solidarity and White Antiracism.

An essential foundation for solidarity is simply knowing one another’s diverse histories. The erasure of Black and Brown history facilitates misunderstanding and division, and creates the conditions for stereotypes and inequities to flourish. Understanding those histories, on the other hand, lays foundations for witnessing each other and working together in ways that can change the world. Cross Cultural Solidarity thus lifts up not only historical and present-day examples of multiracial solidarity, but Black and Brown history as a whole.

Finally, we can’t work together to end racial inequity without understanding the problem itself. This website thus provides a wealth of resources that can help us look hard realities squarely in the eye, and honestly reckon with histories of racial inequity and its present-day manifestations.

Cross Cultural Solidarity was founded in 2015, by former high school history teacher Lynn Burnett. Lynn’s students were deeply inspired by the stories of Black and Brown solidarity he brought into his Oakland classrooms, which initiated his own deeper study of solidarity and his commitment to lifting up histories of multiracial solidarity.