Cross Cultural Solidarity

History; in the Service of Solidarity

Racial Inequities & Abortion Rights

Image from Center for Reproductive Rights.

Abaki Beck & Rosalyn LaPier: For Indigenous Peoples, Abortion Is a Religious Right.

Anne Branigin & Samantha Chery: Women of color will be most impacted by the end of Roe, experts say.


Susan A. Cohen: Abortion and Women of Color: The Bigger Picture.

Hallie Golden: Indigenous and Alaska Native women could face escalated violence if Roe is repealed: They are also two to three times more likely to die as a result of pregnancy than white women, according to the CDC.

Michele Goodwin: No, Justice Alito, Reproductive Justice Is in the Constitution.

Cynthia Miller-Idriss: How the loss of Roe directly serves white supremacists’ horrifying plot: Some white supremacist groups see rape of white women as an “extremely effective” way to increase white births. After the death of Roe, the ideology is all the more horrifying.

Chelsea N. Jones & Christine M. Slaughter: How Black women will be especially affected by the loss of Roe: With higher maternal mortality, more problem pregnancies, worse health care and less insurance, Black women especially need reproductive autonomy.

Leslie Logan: Native women respond to onslaught of laws and restrictions across the country: The federal government prohibits funds for abortion services at Indian Health Service, for Native women, the lack of access to abortions has been real for years.

Frances Nguyen: Indigenous and immigrant communities stand to be disproportionately affected by Texas’s abortion ban: For these groups, access to abortion has long been entangled in other structural and historical issues.

Candace Norwood: In a personal turn, 3 lawmakers testify about their abortions: Reps. Cori Bush, Barbara Lee and Pramila Jayapal reflected the challenges faced by many pregnant people of color, who are often overlooked in national conversations about abortion rights.

NPR: The Latino community is facing issues with misinformation on abortions.

Population Reference Bureau: Black Women Over Three Times More Likely to Die in Pregnancy, Postpartum Than White Women, New Research Finds.

Andis Robeznieks: Examining the Black U.S. maternal mortality rate and how to cut it.

Renee Bracey Sherman & Tracy Weitz: The Fall of ‘Roe’ Was Driven by Our Country’s Original Sin: Anti-Blackness. An utter disregard for Black lives has led Mississippi, which has the largest percentage of Black residents, to again seek to criminalize abortion.

SaraEllen Strongman: Despite antiabortion campaigns, Black feminists support abortion rights: They reject claims about ‘Black genocide’ because they see abortion rights as crucial to liberty.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: How Black Feminists Defined Abortion Rights: As liberation movements bloomed, they offered a vision of reproductive justice that was about equality, not just “choice.