Cross Cultural Solidarity

History; in the Service of Solidarity

Far Right Fitness Culture

Image from Cynthia Miller-Idriss: “Pandemic fitness trends have gone extreme — literally.”

Mack Lamoureux: Neo-Nazi Fight Clubs Are Fat-Shaming Men Into White Nationalism: Fitness groups and fight clubs exclusively for white men, known as “active clubs,” have become a crucial recruitment tool for white nationalists in the U.S.

Cynthia Miller-Idriss: Pandemic fitness trends have gone extreme — literally: White supremacists’ latest scheme to valorize violence and hypermasculinity has gone digital.

David Neiwert: ‘Fitness fascists’ hijack workout cultures to spread far-right politics and recruit a physical army.

TIME Magazine: The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness.

Mark Townsend: ‘Fascist fitness’: how the far right is recruiting with online gym groups. Anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate says extremists present self-improvement as part of wider political struggle.