General Overviews
Meg-John Barker & Jules Scheele: Queer: A Graphic History.
William Benemann: Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A.
Michael Bronski: A Queer History of the United States.
Lillian Faderman:
- Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America.
- To Believe in Women: What Lesbians Have Done For America – A History.
Early Histories
William Benemann:
- Male-Male Intimacy in Early America: Beyond Romantic Friendships.
- Men in Eden: William Drummond Stewart and Same-Sex Desire in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade.
- Unruly Desires: American Sailors and Homosexualities in the Age of Sail.
Rechel Hope Cleves: Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America.
Jonathan Ned Katz:
- Love Stories: Sex between Men before Homosexuality.
- The Daring Life and Dangerous Times of Eve Adams.
Hugh Nini & Neal Treadwell: Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s.
Trans History
Jen Manion: Female Husbands: A Trans History.
Emily Skidmore: True Sex: The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.
C. Riley Snorton: Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity.
Susan Stryker: Transgender History.
Policing LGBT Communities
Toby Beauchamp: Going Stealth: Transgender Politics and U.S. Surveillance Practices.
Margot Canaday: The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America.
Margot Canaday, Nancy F. Cott, & Robert O. Self (editors): Intimate States: Gender, Sexuality, and Governance in Modern US History.
Karma R. Chavez & Eithne Luibheid (editors): Queer and Trans Migrations: Dynamics of Illegalization, Detention, and Deportation.
Douglas M. Charles: Hoover’s War on Gays: Exposing the FBI’s “Sex Deviates” Program.
David K. Johnson: The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government.
Regina Kunzel: Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality.
Anna Lvovsky: Vice Patrol: Cops, Courts, and the Struggle over Urban Gay Life before Stonewall.
James Polchin: Indecent Advances: A Hidden History of True Crime and Prejudice Before Stonewall.
The LGBT Freedom Movement
Leighton Brown & Matthew Riemer: We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power, and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation.
Jim Downs: Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation.
Martin Duberman: Has the Gay Movement Failed?
Jim Elledge: An Angel in Sodom: Henry Gerber and the Birth of the Gay Rights Movement.
Lillian Faderman:
Cleve Jones: When We Rise: My Life in the Movement.
Wesley G. Phelps: Before Lawrence v. Texas: The Making of a Queer Social Movement.
Randy Shilts: The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk.
Matthew Todd: Pride: The Story of the LGBTQ Equality Movement.
Urvashi Vaid: Irresistible Revolution: Confronting Race, Class and the Assumptions of LGBT Politics.
The Mattachine Society
Eric Cervini: The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America.
Harry Hay: Radically Gay: Gay Liberation in the Words of Its Founder.
James T. Sears: Behind the Mask of the Mattachine: The Hal Call Chronicles and the Early Movement for Homosexual Emancipation.
Stuart Timmons: The Trouble with Harry Hay.
David Carter: Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution.
Martin Duberman: Stonewall: The Definitive Story of the LGBTQ Rights Uprising that Changed America.
New York Public Library: The Stonewall Reader.
Gay Marriage
Jo Becker: Forcing the Spring: Inside the Fight for Marriage Equality.
George Chauncey: Why Marriage: The History Shaping Today’s Debate Over Gay Equality.
The AIDS Crisis
Tamar W. Carroll: Mobilizing New York: AIDS, Antipoverty, and Feminist Activism.
David France: How to Survive a Plague: The Story of How Activists and Scientists Tamed AIDS.
Jacques Pépin: The Origins of AIDS.
Anthony M. Petro: After the Wrath of God: AIDS, Sexuality, & American Religion.
Randy Shilts: And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic.
Sarah Schulman: Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993.
Peter Staley: Never Silent: ACT UP and My Life in Activism.
The LGBT Experience in American Institutions
Margot Canaday: Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America.
David K. Johnson: Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement.
Randy Shilts: Conduct Unbecoming: Gays & Lesbians in the U.S. Military.
Histories of LGBT Art
Brian Alessandro & Tom Cardamone (editors): Fever Spores: The Queer Reclamation of William S. Burroughs.
Jim Elledge:
- Henry Darger, Throwaway Boy: The Tragic Life of an Outsider Artist.
- Masquerade: Queer Poetry in America to the End of World War II.
LGBT Rural History
Will Fellows: Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest.
Colin R. Johnson:
- Just Queer Folks: Gender and Sexuality in Rural America.
- Queering the Countryside: New Frontiers in Rural Queer Studies.
Valerie Korinek: Prairie Fairies: A History of Queer Communities and People in Western Canada, 1930-1985.
Jerry T. Watkins III: Queering the Redneck Riviera: Sexuality and the Rise of Florida Tourism.
LGBT Urban History
Kathie Bergquist: Windy City Queer: LGBTQ Dispatches from the Third Coast.
Julio Capó: Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami before 1940.
George Chauncey: Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940.
Lillian Faderman & Stuart Timmons: Gay L. A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians.
Christina B. Hanhardt: Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence.
Charles Kaiser: The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America.
James Kirchick: Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington.
Hugh Ryan: When Brooklyn Was Queer: A History.
Timothy Stewart-Winter: Queer Clout: Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics.