Image: President Biden in the Oval Office, promising to crack down domestic extremism. From “Inside the Biden Administration’s Uphill Battle Against Far-Right Extremism.”
Will Carless: Federal agencies promised to tackle extremism. Years later, experts see efforts sputtering out.
Mary B. McCord: Congress Can and Should Address the Threat from Unauthorized Paramilitary Activity.
Cynthia Miller-Idriss: How Extremism Went Mainstream: Washington Needs a New Approach to Preventing Far-Right Violence.
NPR: White House summit kicks off efforts to help communities address hate-fueled violence.
PBS: How a Washington state plan to fight domestic extremism could be a model for the nation.
Eric Tucker: Justice Dept. creating unit focused on domestic terrorism.
The White House:
- National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, 2021.
- FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, 2021.
Odette Yousef: Homeland Security is trying to root out domestic violent extremism in the U.S.