Cross Cultural Solidarity

History; in the Service of Solidarity

Black Panther Party: Resources


Books about the Black Panther Party.

BPP newspaper collections, here and here.

BPP Documentaries:

Follow BPP scholars on Twitter here.

Resources on Rainbow Coalition members, the Young Lords and the Young Patriots.

FBI Files on the Black Panther Party. Search inside “the vault” for individual members; for example here are the files on Fred Hampton and the files on Huey P. Newton.

David F. Walker: The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History.


JoNina M. Abron: Reflections of a Former Oakland Public School Parent.

Eldridge Cleaver:

Fred Hampton:

Ericka Huggins: A Remembrance of John and Bunchy.

Lynn French: An Interview with Former Black Panther Lynn French.

Larry Little (interview): The Black Panther Party of the South: An Interview with Larry Little.

Huey P. Newton:

Akua Njeri: My Dance With Justice. (Njeri was Fred Hampton’s fiancée.)

Murzi Pambeli: The Black Panther Party… from a Sister’s Point of View: An Interview with Phyllis Jackson.

Bobby Seale: An Appeal From Prison: Revolutionary Action on Campus and Community.

Afeni Shakur: The Political Thought of Afeni Shakur. (Audio).

Assata Shakur and Joanne Chesimard: Women and Prison: How We Are.


Anne-Marie Angelo: The Black Panthers in London, 1967-1972: A Diasporic Struggle Navigates the Black Atlantic.

Lauren Araiza:

Joshua Bloom (interview): Insurgent Practice and the Black Panther Party.

Davey D Cook: You Can’t Kill the Revolution: Davey D on Tupac’s Mother, Afeni Shakur.

Erika Doss: “Revolutionary art is a tool for liberation’’: Emory Douglas and protest aesthetics at the Black Panther.

Omari L. Dyson, Judson L. Jeffries, & Charles E. Jones: Militancy Transcends Race: A Comparative Analysis of the American Indian Movement, the Black Panther Party, and the Young Lords.

Ashley Farmer: Women, Gender, and Party Politics in the Black Panther Party.

Garrett Felber: State Repression, Gender, and the Black Panthers.

V. P. Franklin: Jackanapes: Reflections on the Legacy of the Black Panther Party for the Hip Hop Generation.

Jackqueline Frost: Jean Genet’s May Day Speech, 1970: “Your Real Life Depends on the Black Panther Party”.

Diane Fujino: Richard Aoki’s biographer weighs in on the claim that he was an FBI informant.

Conor A. Gallagher & Aaron J. Leonard: Newly Obtained FBI Files Shed New Light on the Murder of Fred Hampton.

Jeffrey Haas (interview):

Judson L. Jeffries: Black radicalism and political repression in Baltimore: the case of the Black Panther Party.

Regina Jennings: Poetry of the Black Panther Party: Metaphors of Militancy.

Charles E. Jones: The Political Repression of the Black Panther Party, 1966-1971. The Case of the Oakland Bay Area.

Ibram X. Kendi: Inside the Gun of the Black Panther Party.

Julian Kimble: Judas and the Black Messiah and the Black Excellence Industrial Complex: Director Shaka King explains how it became possible to make a Hollywood movie about the socialist Black Panther Fred Hampton.

Ryan J. Kirkby: ‘‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’’: Community Activism and the Black Panther Party, 1966 – 1971.

Tracy K’Meyer: Life in the Struggle: Stories of Life in the Black Panther Party

Angela D. LeBlanc-Ernest, Tracye A. Matthews, Mary Phillips, and Robyn C. Spencer: Herstories: Writing Black Panther Women’s History.

Kathy Lothian: Seizing the Time: Australian Aborigines and the Influence of the Black Panther Party, 1969-1972.

Linda Lumsden: Good Mother’s With Guns: Framing Black Womanhood in the Black Panther, 1968-1980.

Daryl J. Maeda: Black Panthers, Red Guards, and Chinamen: Constructing Asian American Identity through Performing Blackness, 1969–1972.

Dhoruba Moore: Strategies of Repression Against the Black Movement.

Alfredo Morabia: Unveiling the Black Panther Party Legacy to Public Health.

Donna Jean Murch:

National Museum of African American History and Culture:

Alondra Nelson: The Black Panthers Versus the Medical Industry.

Christopher F. Petrella: Resurrecting the Radical Pedagogy of the Black Panther Party.

Mary Phillips: The Feminist Leadership of Ericka Huggins in the Black Panther Party.

Jane Rhodes: Fanning the Flames of Racial Discord: The National Press and the Black Panther Party.

Jon F. Rice: Black Revolutionaries on Chicago’s West Side: A History o f the Illinois Black Panther Party.

Darryl Robertson: The Black Panther Party and the Free Breakfast for Children Program.

Besenia Rodriguez: “Long Live Third World Unity! Long Live Internationalism”: Huey P. Newton’s Revolutionary Intercommunalism.

Robert Sandarg:
Jean Genet and the Black Panther Party.

Bryan Shih & Yohuru Williams: The Black Panthers’ Overlooked Revolution: Fifty years later, four women who helped build the party look back on the less-attention-grabbing part of its history.

Robbie Shilliam: The Polynesian Panthers and The Black Power Gang: Surviving Racism and Colonialism in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Robyn C. Spencer:

Quito Swan: A View From Within: Inside the Black Panther Party.

Olivia B. Waxman: With Free Medical Clinics and Patient Advocacy, the Black Panthers Created a Legacy in Community Health That Still Exists Amid COVID-19.

Jakobi Williams:

Benjamin Young: