Above image from Catalina Castro’s article, Black & Brown Solidarity. See also Black/Latino Solidarity in U.S. History and Books on Black/Brown Solidarity.
Nicole Acevedo: Latinos must confront ‘ingrained’ anti-black racism amid George Floyd protests, some urge.
Amanda Alcántara: Must-Watch: A Needed Conversation Among Afro-Latinx and African Americans on Anti-Blackness.
DJ A-Oh: Lowriders Cruised Through L.A. streets In Support of Black Lives Matter.
Rafael Bernal: Dreamers grapple with immigration risks in joining Floyd protests.
Ecleen Luzmila Caraballo: On the Need for Cross-Racial Solidarity in the Latino Community.
Kemal Cilengir: ‘Stronger Together:’ A March to City Hall Calls for Black and Brown Unity.
Ingrid Cruz: The Resistance Is Still Colonized: Why Talking Points on Citizenship Are Anti-Black and Will Not Save You.
Define American: Guide to Difficult Conversations.
Freedom For Immigrants: Twitter thread calling for abolition.
William García: Blackface, Brownface and Black Lives Matter in Latin America.
Rigoberto González: The Privilege of the Ally: Allies can be powerful aides to social justice movements—but it is their responsibility to make sure they don’t become a distraction from the cause.
Tanya Kateri Hernandez: The Afro-Latino Story of Latino Anti-Blackness: How Latino racial attitudes facilitate the erasure of Afro-Latinos.
Francisco Herrera: This Is What We Must Do to Destroy Anti-Blackness in Latino Communities.
Álvaro Huerta: Police Abuse in America’s Barrios.
Jhoni Jackson: Latinx and Spanish Artists Show #BLM Support on Social Media.
Angie Jaime: How Latinx People Can Fight Anti-Black Racism in Our Own Culture.
Mina Kim: The Role of Cross-Racial Solidarity in a Time of Protest.
Latino Rebels: tons of articles on Latino solidarity as well as anti-Blackness.
Latino Rebels Radio: Why Black Lives Matter in Latin America.
Latinx Community Organizations Condemn Anti-Black Attacks.
Antonio De Loera-Brust: Latinos Owe Black Americans Everything.
Rafael Logroño: Our Community Should Stop Being Complicit in Entertainment Industry’s Anti-Blackness.
Julyssa Lopez: The Threats of Protesting While Undocumented + Other Ways to Help.
Mijente: Latinx Anti-Blackness Killed Philando Castile.
Ana Lucía Murillo: How Univision and Telemundo Are Covering the Protests.
Ana Lucía Murillo: Community and Immigrant Rights Leaders Speak Up in Wake of Protests Over Police Killings.
Non-Black Latinx Resources on Anti-Blackness.
RAICES: The Refugee & Immigrant Center: If you were willing to say #AbolishIce, I need you to be willing to say #DefundThePolice. (Also see this statement.)
Kristine Rosa: America Isn’t Changing, So We Must: Why Latinos Are Crucial to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Solidarity Letter from the Immigrant Justice Movement (with 450+ immigrant justice organizations signed on.)
Alfonso Gonzales Toribio: ‘Camp of the Saints,’ Black Lives Matter, and the Crisis of Latino Leadership.
Memo Torres: Tacos Negros: ‘Where Soul and the Tortilla Meet.’
United We Dream: Safety tips for undocumented people going to protests.
Andrew S. Vargas: 5 Steps Latinos Can Take to Combat Anti-Blackness.
César Vargas: A Clash of the Oppressed: An Intimate Look At Black and Brown People’s Relationship in America.