See also: Black/Asian Solidarity in U.S. History , Books on Black American International Relations with Asia , Books on Black/Brown Solidarity, & Resources on the Model Minority Myth.

A Different Asian American Timeline.
Asian American Feminist Collective.
The Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit.
Asian and Asian American Studies Institute: Black Lives Matter and Asian Pacific Decolonization. (Video).
Asians 4 Black Lives:
- Uplift Black Resistance, Help Build Black Power.
- Principles and Protocols statement.
- Structural Racism is the Pandemic, Interdependence and Solidarity is the Cure.

Asian Enough podcast: Jose Antonio Vargas on confronting anti-Blackness.
Jem Aswad: K-Pop Fans Take Over #WhiteLivesMatter Hashtag to Drown Out Racist Posts.
Minju Bae & Mark Tseng-Putterman: Reviving the history of radical Black-Asian internationalism.
Faima Bakar: The South Asian guide to supporting Black people in a more sustainable way.
Kulfi Bites: Supporting Black lives is an ongoing conversation for South Asians.

Black Desi Secret History: The Secret History of South Asian & African American Solidarity. (Scroll down to South Asians for Black Lives for a collection of great articles!)
Black Diplomats (podcast): Black & Asian Solidarity with Alicia Garza and Shaw San Liu.
Black Women Radicals and the Asian American Feminist Collective: Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List.
Chang Che: The forgotten alliance between Black activists and China: And the warning it carries for U.S. foreign policy.
Amy Chen: Black Lives Matter and Asian solidarity.
Abené Clayton & Vivian Ho: ‘Black and Asian unity’: attacks on elders spark reckoning with racism’s roots.
Coalition of Asian American Leaders: Unity & Solidarity for George Floyd.

Code Switch (podcast.)
- A Letter From Young Asian-Americans To Their Families About Black Lives Matter.
- Un-HolyLand? An Arab Muslim Reckoning With Racism.
- One Korean American’s Reckoning.
Kat Chow: ‘Model Minority’ Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks.
Compassion In Oakland: Compassion in Oakland was formed in response to the surge of anti-Asian attacks.
E. J. R. David: Addressing Anti-Black Microaggressions in Filipino Families: Some Tips for Tackling Anti-Blackness in Our Everyday Pin@y Lives.
Define American: Guide to Difficult Conversations.
Jerusalem Demsas and Rachel Ramirez: The history of tensions — and solidarity — between Black and Asian American communities, explained: How white supremacy tried to divide Black and Asian Americans — and how communities worked to find common ground.
Densho Blog: Asian American Anti-Blackness Is Real—And So Is Our Responsibility to End It.

Far East Deep South: a documentary about Chinese American communities living in the Deep South.

May Fu, Simmy Makhijani, Anh-Thu Pham, Meejin Richart, Joanne Tien & Diane Wong: #Asians4BlackLives: Notes from the Ground.
Katherine Fung: How Asian American Communities Are Confronting Their Complicated History With Black Americans.

Prabal Gurung: It’s time for Asian Americans to shed the ‘model minority’ myth and stand for George Floyd.
Hard Knock Radio: Black-Asian Solidarity: A Conversation With Councilwoman Carroll Fife and Doctor Connie Wun.
Cathy Park Hong & Ibram X. Kendi: Black & Asian American Solidarity: Exchanging Ideas, Sharing History.
Jeanelle K. Hope:This Tree Needs Water!: A Case Study on the Radical Potential of Afro-Asian Solidarity in the Era of Black Lives Matter.
Josie Huang: Japanese American Activists Demand Reparations For Black Americans.
Tiffany Huang & Jennifer Lee: Why the trope of Black-Asian conflict in the face of anti-Asian violence dismisses solidarity.
Deepa Iyer: South Asians and Black Lives.
Vijay Iyer & Robin D.G. Kelley: Ally: From Noun to Verb. Robin D. G. Kelley talks with musician Vijay Iyer about systems of oppression, the responsibility of artists, and how jazz sells proximity to blackness to white people.
Kershaw St. Jawnson: Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA Shuts Down Xenophobia Against Asians.
Van Jones: Black-Asian solidarity has a long and storied history in America.
Soya Jung:
Tara Kamiya: Kamiya writes children’s books about and for Blasian children. Check them out here. Follow her on Instagram here.
Michelle Kim: 20+ Allyship Actions for Asians to Show Up for the Black Community Right Now.
Nadia Y. Kim: The unexpected alliance forged after the Rodney King verdict: The police brutality trial that deepened Black-Korean solidarity.

Justin Leroy: Insurgency and Asian American Studies in the Time of Black Lives Matter.
Letters for Black Lives: Mom, Dad, Uncle, Auntie, Grandfather, Grandmother, Family: We need to talk.
Andy Liu: About those “letters to my Asian parents about anti-black racism”.
Love Our People, Heal Our Communities: See video of events in Oakland and San Francisco.

Artwork by Vida Kuang (@Vida.Kuang).
Julie Lee Merseth: Race-ing solidarity: Asian Americans and support for Black Lives Matter.
Deanna Pan: Asian-Americans, long used as a racial wedge, are confronting anti-Black racism in their own communities.
Neel Patel: We Picked the Wrong Side.
OiYan Poon: Chinese-language racial justice resources.
Abigail Savitch-Lew: Beyond ‘Model Minority’: How Asian Americans across the nation are reflecting on their relationship to the Black Lives Matter protests.
Sharmila Sen: Indians should use the historic VP selection of Kamala Harris to reckon with our own anti-Blackness.
Hyejin Shim: questions on (the limits & effects of) (asian american) allyship.
Southeast Asian Diaspora Project: Solidarity Resource Hub.
Statements of Solidarity from Asian American Organizations.
Jason Strother: America’s BLM protests find solidarity in South Korea.
Kim Tran: 6 Ways Asian Americans Can Tackle Anti-Black Racism in Their Families.
Kim Tran: Talking to my non-Black Asian Mom About Property Destruction.

Two Languages/One Community. (Using writing and translation to exchange culture and life experiences between African Americans and Chinese speakers.)
Jana Lynne Umipig: Resources on Black/Filipino solidarity.
Dianne Wong: Black Power, Yellow Peril: Towards a Politics of Afro-Asian Solidarity.
Ellen Wu: Asian Americans and the ‘model minority’ myth.
Ellen Wu (interview). The real reasons the U.S. became less racist toward Asian Americans.
Betty Yu: Asian, Black Communities Unite In Wake Of Vicious Chinatown Attacks.
Advancing Justice | AAJC: Black and Asian Solidarity in American History: The Power of Unity Exemplified by 5 Major Events.
Resources on the Asian American Movement of 1968.
On the Asian American Political Alliance, which allied itself with the Black Power Movement and anticolonial freedom struggles.
Interview with Vivek Bald, author of “Bengali Harlem.”
Black Desi Secret History: The Secret History of South Asian & African American Solidarity.
Keisha N. Blain: The Struggle to End Racism is Global.
Grace Lee Boggs: see articles about her by historians Thomas Sugrue; Ashley Farmer; Garrett Felber; and her biographer, Stephen M. Ward. See also the Grace Lee Boggs Archive for her writings.
Keisha A. Brown: Blackness in Modern China: W.E.B. Du Bois and Chinese Representations of Blackness.

W.E.B. Du Bois with Mao Zedong, 1959.
Lynn Burnett:
- Gandhi’s Connections with Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Marcus Garvey.
- Black Americans Make Contact with Gandhi.
Anirvan Chatterjee: Black and Desi: A Shared History.
Eldridge Cleaver: Notes on Korea. (See more primary sources on Cleaver and Korea here.)
Arica L. Coleman: What Martin Luther King Overlooked About Gandhi.
W. E. B. and Shirley Graham Du Bois: video footage of their 1959 trip to Peking.
Garrett Felber: Remembering Muhammad Ali: Asiatic Black Man.
Dianne Fujino: The Indivisibility of Freedom: The Nisei Progressives, Deep Solidarities, and Cold War Alternatives.
David Garrow: When Martin Luther King Came Out Against Vietnam.

Historic Shanghai: Roar, China! Langston Hughes in Shanghai.
Article on Fred Ho, a politically revolutionary jazz musician and proponent of Black/Brown solidarity.
Jeanelle Hope: Black, Yellow, and Shades of Purple: Radical Afro-Asian Collective Activism in the San Francisco Bay Area From the Perspectives of Women in the Struggle, 1966-1972. (Note: thesis.)
Robin D. G. Kelley and Betsy Esch: Black Like Mao: Red China and Black Revolution.
Martin Luther King:
- “Buddhists and Martyrs of the Civil Rights Movement”: Joint statement by Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thich Nhat Hanh, International Committee of Conscience on Vietnam.
- Letter from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. nominating Thich Nhat Hanh for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967.
- Beyond Vietnam. Audio.
Yuri Kochiyama: see her biographer Diane Fujino’s Grassroots Leadership and Afro-Asian Solidarities: Yuri Kochiyama’s Humanizing Radicalism. See also Code Switch’s Not Just A ‘Black Thing’: An Asian-American’s Bond With Malcolm X and Yuri Kochiyama, Activist And Former World War II Internee, Dies At 93. See her bio at the Densho Encyclopedia.

On the Asian American group I Wor Kuen, which modeled itself on the Black Panthers and Young Lords.
Bianca Mabute-Louie: Black & Asian Solidarity Series. (Collection of political education zines.)
Daryl J. Maeda: Black Panthers, Red Guards, and Chinamen: Constructing Asian American Identity through Performing Blackness, 1969–1972.
Simmy Makhijani: United States of Dissent: Converging Political Imaginaries of the Ghadarites and Black Panthers.
Ho Chi Minh (1924): On Lynching And The Ku Klux Klan.
Morehouse Afro-Asian Archives.
Taiyo Na: Yuri, Tupac, and a Harlem House.
Tamara Nopper: The Illusion of Afro-Asian Solidarity?: Situating the 1955 Bandung Conference.
NPR: The History Of Solidarity Between Asian And Black Americans.
Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar: Yellow Power: the Formation of Asian-American Nationalism in the Age of Black Power, 1966-1975.
Yuichiro Onishi: Gerald Horne’s Japan.
Yuichiro Onishi, interviewed by Keisha Blain: Transpacific Antiracism.
Shailaja Paik:Building Bridges: Articulating Dalit and African-American Women’s Solidarity.
Patrick Parr:
- Japan still has much to learn from Martin Luther King’s nonviolent struggle.
- How Coretta Scott King brought her husband’s message to Japan.
- MLK, Hiroshima, and the Fear of Nuclear Destruction.
- MLK’s Japanese Friend, Makoto Sakurabayashi.
Deepa S. Reddy: The Ethnicity of Caste.
Bayard Rustin: Black Americans Urge Admission of the Indochinese Refugees.
Nico Slate: Translating Race and Caste.
Kanishk Tharoor: The Debt MLK Owed to India’s Anti-Colonial Fight: The campaign against Jim Crow was always embedded in a larger global battle against white supremacy.
Resources on the Third World Liberation Front.
SNCC profile of Tamio Wakayama, a Japanese member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the organization’s official photographer.
Nina Wallace: Yellow Power: The Origins of Asian America.
Benjamin Young: North Korea’s Unlikely History with Black Radicals.
Benjamin Young: Juche in the United States: The Black Panther Party’s Relations with North Korea, 1969-1971.
Gao Yunxiang: W.E.B. and Shirley Graham Du Bois in Maoist China.
Gao Yunxiang: Arise, Africa! Roar, China! Black and Chinese Citizens of the World in the Twentieth Century.
Lecture by Vivek Bald, author of Bengali Harlem.
Grace and James Lee Boggs: The Story of Jimmy Boggs. Clips from American Revolutionary: Meeting Grace Lee Boggs, The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs, Defining Revolution, On Revolution at Berkeley (with Angela Davis), and a filmmaker interview.
Historian Matthew Briones, author of Jim and Jap Crow, explores Black/Japanese solidarity in the life of Charles Kikuchi, in conversation with Cornell West.
Diane Fujino, weighing in on the controversy of Japanese Black Panther Richard Aoki working as an FBI informant.

Yuri Kochiyama: Yuri talks about holding Malcolm as he died in this interview. Here, she talks about meeting him. Also see You Don’t Say No To Yuri Kochiyama, from the New Asian American Writers & Literature podcast. See also: Mountains That Take Wing: Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama.
Laura Pulido: lecture on her book Black, Brown, Yellow, and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles.
Gao Yunxiang: Liu Liangmo (刘良模 1909-1988) —Transpacific Mass Singing, Journalism, and Christian Activism.
Marc Gallicchio: The African American Encounter with Japan and China: Black Internationalism in Asia, 1895-1945.
Fred Ho and Bill Mullen: Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections between African Americans and Asian Americans.
Gerald Horne: The End of Empires: African Americans and India.
Gerald Horne: Facing the Rising Sun: African Americans, Japan, and the Rise of Afro-Asian Solidarity.
Reginald Kearney: African American Views of the Japanese: Solidarity or Sedition?
Nadia Y. Kim: Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LA.
Brendan I. Koerner: Now the Hell Will Start: One Soldier’s Flight from the Greatest Manhunt of World War II.
Daniel S. Lucks: Selma to Saigon: The Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.
Sean Malloy: Out of Oakland: Black Panther Party Internationalism during the Cold War.
Bill Mullen: Afro Orientalism.
Bill Mullen: Un-American: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Century of World Revolution.
Bill Mullen & Cathryn Watson (editors): W. E. B. Du Bois on Asia: Crossing the World Color Line.
Yuichiro Onishi: Transpacific Antiracism: Afro-Asian Solidarity in 20th-Century Black America, Japan, and Okinawa.
Sedat Pakay: James Baldwin in Turkey: Bearing Witness from Another Place.
Vijay Prashad: Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting: Afro-Asian Connections and the Myth of Cultural Purity.
Heike Raphael-Hernandez & Shannon Steen: Afro Asian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics.
Nico Slate: Colored Cosmopolitanism: The Shared Struggle for Freedom in the United States and India.
Nico Slate: The Prism of Race: W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, and the Colored World of Cedric Dover.
Nico Slate (editor): Black Power beyond Borders: The Global Dimensions of the Black Power Movement.
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu. Radicals on the Road: Internationalism, Orientalism, and Feminism during the Vietnam Era.
Gao Yunxiang: Arise Africa! Roar China! Black and Chinese Citizens of the World in the Twentieth Century.
Magdalena J. Zaborowska: James Baldwin’s Turkish Decade: Erotics of Exile.