Sue Borrego: TEDx Talk: Understanding My Privilege.
David Campt: lots of helpful video clips of White antiracist trainings at his YouTube page.
Chris Crass: Awkward White People; White People in Solidarity Against Racism (with Dara Silverman,) Faith and Racial Justice (with Jude-Laure Denis,) Courage for Racial Justice, Courage for Collective Liberation.
RobinDiAngelo: Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race; Deconstructing White Privilege; lecture on her book White Fragility.
Dahlia Ferlito: What is White People for Black Lives?; White People Talking to White People About Race.
Erin Heaney, Pam McMichael, & Carla F. Wallace: White Women Showing Up For Racial Justice.
Debby Irving: Finding Myself in the Story of Race (TEDx Talk); How White People Can Advocate For Racial Justice (interview); Our Whitewashed History (talk); interview on Restorative Justice on the Rise.
Frances Kendall: interview about how to create institutional change.
Paul Kivel: 2019 interview about his book, Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice.
Carol Kraemer and Carla F Wallace: “Where are the white people organizing other white people for racial justice?”
Simma Lieberman’s podcast: Every Day Conversations on Race for Every Day People.
Peggy McIntosh TED Talk: How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion.
Ali Michael, interview about White racial identity development. Lecture: Race in the Academy. TEDx Talk: How Can I Have a Positive Racial Identity? I’m White!
On Being podcast:
- Eula Biss:Let’s Talk About Whiteness.
- John Biewen: The Long View, I: On Being White.
- Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem: In Conversation.
Dean Radcliffe-Lynes (documentary and conversation): Whites on the Front Lines.
Catherine Sanderson: ‘Why We Act’: What Makes People Decide To Speak Up Or Stay Silent.
Scene On Radio (podcast): Seeing White.
Mab Segrest: 2014 video interview on the Laura Flanders Show; Audio interview: ‘Race Traitor’ Mab Segrest Looks Back At 25 Years Of Hate.
Carla F. Wallace: the co-founder of SURJ discusses her life at the Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame. (Scroll down for series on Wallace.)
Mark R. Warren: Youth and Racial Justice (short clip); How You Can Be an Advocate (short clip); The Practice and Pedagogy of Organizing in the 21st Century (audio lecture); Educational Justice with Bill Ayers, Mark Warren and Brandon Johnson (roundtable); Fire in the Heart – White Activists for Racial Justice (book discussion.)
Tim Wise: Checking White Privilege (lecture); Race and Whiteness in the Era of Trumpism (lecture); On Race, Crime, and the Politics of Fear in America (lecture.)